
From Guatemala...to Minnesota...to Texas!

Happy Friday everyone!
Hope everyone has had a great week! I'm sure you are all ready to relax now that it is finally the weekend. I wanted to take this opportunity to announce a few changes that will be going on with my husband and I in the next few months.

Many of you have already heard, but for those of you who haven't: Alex and I will be moving to Texas sometime this summer. I will be leaving Guatemala May 4, and flying home to Minnesota. I have missed my family and friends and....yes...even the Minnesota winters! :)  So I am very excited to be home again. Anyway--I have already booked about nine photo sessions for the month of May, while I am home. There are still a few openings, so if you have been thinking about booking a session with me, fill out a contact form on my site, or send me an email at caitlinreyes@bellanottephoto.com and we can chat! I would love to hear from you.

I MIGHT be in MN longer than just May; I am hoping that will be the case. However, I am not sure yet. It will depend on whether I am hired in Texas before June. If not, I will have to move down to our Texas home in early June, and continue my job hunt. Hoping and praying that won't be necessary, though, because I'd love to be in MN with everyone for as long as possible! Plus...that Texas heat is a doozy! :)

A friend of my husband's has designed a sweet flyer for me, to advertise for those of you still needing your senior portraits taken! I will try to attach it in the next post. If you, or anyone you know, still hasn't gotten their senior portraits done, let me know! I also photograph little ones (flyer attached!), family portraits, and engagements/weddings; check out my work here, on my site, or my Facebook fanpage!

Please don't hesitate to email or message me if you have any questions whatsoever. I look forward to hearing from you! :)

<3 Cait

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